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Thread: Marble Hornets

  1. #1
    AdrianHD's Avatar

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    Gamertag: NationalProphet Steam ID: xHDShadowx Raptr ID: HDShadow

    Marble Hornets

    Hey guys!

    I've been following this YouTube series called Marble Hornets for about 10 months. Does anyone around here watch it? For whatever reason I feel like there may be a few of you here that may know what it is. Seeing as it is a pretty mystery-centric series.

    If you're not familiar, let me give a "quick" summary–

    First off, it revolves around the myth of "Slender Man," who is a tall faceless man in a suit who has long arms, in some instances, these grow into astronomical tentacles. If you want more history (which you should), I recommend reading this:

    Any who, the series itself is about a guy named Alex. Alex was a film student who started making a short film called "Marble Hornets." Shortly after he started, he started acting really weird. Before you knew it, he became a hermit crab and began recording everything he did 24/7. Eventually, he said he was leaving. His friend, "Jay" asked him what he was going to do with the tapes, to which Alex replied, "Burn them." Jay nagged Alex to give them to him instead until finally he acquired these tapes. Awhile later, he came across the tapes which he had tossed in the back of his closet, and started posting them on YouTube in the form of "Entries."

    Here's the introduction video:

    Fast-forward a few entries and another YouTuber by the name of ToTheArk starts responding to Jay with a few mysterious clips of his own that sometimes involve missing parts of Alex's tapes.

    Here's ToTheArk's page:

    Confusing? Probably. Marble Hornets is complicated, but definitely worth following if you're into theorizing these videos. That, and I'm just really bad at explaining things sometimes. Anyway, I hope some of you guys get into it. Just as KC, these two make this completely on their own and do a pretty awesome job at it.

  2. #2
    cPT.cAPSLOCK's Avatar

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    I've look trough #1 - #6, and while it definitely is not spectacular, there is something about it that keeps you wanting to find out more.
    However, when I saw entry #31 pop up in the playlist I decided to watch the rest another time

    Thanks for sharing this!

    I think I'm gonna watch it again and take some notes, eventually. But for now I'll just catch up, because I think many others have already dissected all the current entries.
    "All I ask is for a chance to prove that money can't buy happiness."

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  3. #3
    AdrianHD's Avatar

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    Gamertag: NationalProphet Steam ID: xHDShadowx Raptr ID: HDShadow
    No problem, glad to hear you got something out of them! The entries definitely take a different turn around the 14th. It becomes an investigation series more than a "that's weird" thing.



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