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Thread: Immunity?

  1. #1
    Eviebae's Avatar
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    Pin Immunity?

    No matter what is causing the outbreak, what if someone was immune? Skittles could be immune--or have received a vaccine.

    If it's an illness, what if there was a cure? Are you obligated to protect the life of zombies if at all possible?

  2. #2
    SleepyGlenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eviebae View Post
    If it's an illness, what if there was a cure? Are you obligated to protect the life of zombies if at all possible?
    I think Pegs was following this line of thought at first. Then she got trigger happy.

    On a personal note, I'm sure I'd feel bad killing zombies. At least I'd feel bad if they discovered a cure and I'd been chopping their heads off left, right and centre.
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  3. #3
    MrScott101's Avatar

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    I'd feel bad for about a half second then realize that the whole zombie progression is just disturbing and violent and would rather someone killed me off if I became a zombie rather than let my lunacy deprave others until a cure was found.

  4. #4
    Eviebae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SleepyGlenn View Post
    I think Pegs was following this line of thought at first. Then she got trigger happy.
    First, I gotta say that I like how the characters are built in this podcast, you get a sense of consistency to their characters, yet they can change. I like how characters I dislike become likable as they go on Pegs has been a challenge for me, like Kelly was. She just seems so mooshy.

    I think whether or not I'd like to be saved and cured probably depends on if I remember killing and eating people. On the other hand, you know there would be some people who would have enjoyed it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eviebae View Post
    No matter what is causing the outbreak, what if someone was immune? Skittles could be immune--or have received a vaccine.

    If it's an illness, what if there was a cure? Are you obligated to protect the life of zombies if at all possible?
    I guess to a certain degree you would have to. If the zombies are part of the cure. So I say kill the fast, strong,smart, giant ones. And keep the slow dumb ones.

  6. #6
    yarri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eviebae View Post
    If it's an illness, what if there was a cure? Are you obligated to protect the life of zombies if at all possible?
    Nope not for a second would I feel that. To many of them to few humans left, it becomes about survival. I would not want my self to live were I infected. I would not want to hurt anyone I cared for or loved by biting them or worse. Obligation ends when you watch them eat someone.
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  7. #7
    cPT.cAPSLOCK's Avatar

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    Call me practical, but I wouldn't feel sorry for the zombies I've chopped once a cure has been found.

    Roughly halve a year ago, reason has cured from me from ever facing regret:
    When you're in a tough situation, you do what you think is best at that moment, based on the information you have at that moment. Secondly, you can't change what you've done, so making fuss about it is of no use. Evaluate, learn your lessons, move on and do better next time. Crying won't solve anything.*

    When chopping up zombies, you do what you need to to protect yourself and the people you care about (the other survivors). If you're realistic, you'll realize that chances for a cure are slim:
    when so many people have gotten infected, there aren't many people left who could ever find a cure or vaccine. And those that do are highly unlikely to have the resources to do so.

    *) After reading my post, I noticed that this bit might sound like I'm an emotionless dick. However, let me assure you that's not the case: especially when a situation is getting out of your control, when things are related to your people close to you, and so forth, I can be very understanding about emotional pain. However, when things get really serious (say 'emergency-serious') I can shut those feelings down and analyse the situation purely rationally.
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    Quote Originally Posted by yarri View Post
    Nope not for a second would I feel that. To many of them to few humans left, it becomes about survival. I would not want my self to live were I infected. I would not want to hurt anyone I cared for or loved by biting them or worse. Obligation ends when you watch them eat someone.
    I'm with you. Saving people is a humanitarian effort. There is nothing humanitarian about a zombie.
    What kind of cure could be hoped for anyways? Think of the bodily damage most of them have sustained? Plus eating all that raw meat? And beyond that, if they remembered even a shred of what it was like to be zombified, what hope of mental recovery is there?

    It's all about protectin yer arse, and not becoming one of them. And if I do become one, u better kill me, or yer ass is lunch.

  9. #9
    nikvoodoo's Avatar

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    I don't think there should be any question about it: you'd be justified in killing zombies. Its a predator/prey thing and very primal. Once the cure is discovered, and you have access to it, that becomes another thing all together. That's when a moral dilemma would arise for me because now you're killing zombies who could potentially be rescued.

    Here's another thought about this: Would the people retain memories as a zombie? because if they do would they want to be returned to human and have to live the rest of their life with that knowledge.
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikvoodoo View Post
    Here's another thought about this: Would the people retain memories as a zombie? because if they do would they want to be returned to human and have to live the rest of their life with that knowledge.
    First thing this made me think of was "Robocop". He was tormented the whole time with the memories of his wife and kid. How horrible of an exsitance would that be?? If there was a vaccine, I don't think I could go back to regular life knowing what I had done.
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