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  1. #1
    TKD SNIPER's Avatar
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    Fan Questions Via Skype?

    Hey My name is Andrew AKA "TKDSNIPER" im a fourm noob.

    Anyway ive been listening to the Podcast and I had this idea about having listeners skype in there questions, now i know this might turn into a troll fest but then theres the magic of edditng. or maybe (i dont like this idea as much) have a winner of a contest get to meet there favorite character on skype, you could have them act there character out on audio only OR have a meet the actor prize which might be easyer for everyone and still really cool.

    Well I hope this comment goes to good use but yeah. PEACE!

  2. #2
    Britt's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Britt5091 PSN ID: Britt5091 Wii Code: PSSH yeah right. I'm too lazy to locate that.

    Actually, I've been looking into a way to have people call in, cuz you're right, it is an awesome idea.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Yer really putting me on the spot with this signature thing. So I will leave you with two things: BUTTSEX! and my website.

  3. #3
    cPT.cAPSLOCK's Avatar

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    First of all, welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay
    I don't want to ruin your idea - as it's a pretty good one - but there are a few problems with it.

    The first is timezones: imagine if I wanted to join the conversation. Where I live, it's roughly 8 hours later than in the USA, so I'd have a really hard time to be on Skype while the podcast is being recorded. I use myself as an example now, but I'm sure this applies to many other listeners.

    The second is trolling, which you already mentioned yourself. There are over 350 registered members, and probably many more guests lurking around. It'd be hard to see which users would be an asset to the podcast and which would ruin the fun. You mention editing, but if the recording is no fun for the hosts anymore, it'll be hard for them to act as if nothing happened (if they could, they'd probably be on the real podcast ). Also, the additional editing can be pretty time consuming, and I don't know if they have the time for that.
    Another solution to this would be screening people that want to ask a question over Skype, but depending on how many people are interested in this it can become a real burden on the hosts.

    I'm fairly sure there are ways to realize your idea, but just keep in mind that it may take a while before it's implemented.
    In the end, it's up to Britt and Greg.
    "All I ask is for a chance to prove that money can't buy happiness."

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  4. #4
    fraggot's Avatar

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    The Walking Dead TV Podcast use Skype I believe and they had a call-in show awhile back, maybe contact them to figure out how to make it happen. Maybe have one person screen the caller first so you don't get trolls and people just there to cause problems.

  5. #5
    TKD SNIPER's Avatar
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    thanks everyone!

  6. #6
    itsallgoodie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKD SNIPER View Post
    Hey My name is Andrew AKA "TKDSNIPER" im a fourm noob.

    Anyway ive been listening to the Podcast and I had this idea about having listeners skype in there questions, now i know this might turn into a troll fest but then theres the magic of edditng. or maybe (i dont like this idea as much) have a winner of a contest get to meet there favorite character on skype, you could have them act there character out on audio only OR have a meet the actor prize which might be easyer for everyone and still really cool.

    Well I hope this comment goes to good use but yeah. PEACE!
    I think its a great idea, all that would be needed is enough fans to have a few people find out, i mean four or five questions is enough for a podcast right? after the question the 'caller' could stay for a bit and chat, then move on. The way people would find out is Britt and/or Greg could just post on here that they will post on their twitter at some point in the week. This way people would have to be following them. I know this doesn't eliminate the idea of trolls, but it does make it so less put in the effort to troll. Just use it as a filter. after all, you will never catch em all. (insert pokemon reference).



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