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  1. #51
    Sneak's Avatar

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    Hey guys, I am pretty new to this forum, like maybe 10 minutes old. I just wanted to give my point of view on things.
    1. Michael's number 2 now.
    In many ways I don't think this is at all true. Maybe if you were to explain it to an outsider it would be true, but Michael was not trained, nor did he even want to lead. He just knew he was the best selection for the job.
    Now though, he sees that CJ has the qualifications to deal with such a thing, and now he can really focus on what he wants to do. Before he had to deal with everybody's problems, and sort out messes, all while trying to defend their home from man slaughtering man eaters.
    Not the best conditions to mount an epic counter strike against the enemy!
    2. Victor and Saul's exhile!
    I don't think this was done out of malice. I believe CJ did it because she knows that the colony is not going to last. She believes that they need to keep up appeareences for the zombies, and then when they get ready to mount a counter strike the colony is going to be a bases for that. Lure in a ton of zombies, and then it'll be like shooting fish in a barrel! Maybe it will be the other way around, or quite possibly and most likely I'm completely wrong about this.
    Which ever it is, I do not believe it was done out of malice, and I believe it was nessassary. I think she had it planned to send them back to the hotel, but the way she did it was fueled by emotions.
    3. CJ and Shawn's relationship!
    I don't think it was a romantic relationship. I'm about 99.9999999999999 percent sure he was related to her in some way. More than likely a younger brother., or possibly a close cousin. CJ does not seem the type of person who would fall in love with someone, then find out they're dead, and then quickly fall in love with someone else. I think she makes split second changes to plans when needed, but her love life is as enduring as time. Meaning she would probably never love anybody as long as she lived. Thinking this way, and knowing that she began to have feelings for Saul leads me to believe that Shawn must have been a close friend, or a dear relative.
    4. R and B
    Excuse me if I misspell Riley's name!
    I don't have any kind of special feelings towards riley or burt in particular. I wish he was my grandfather as he's probably the most bad ass character in any zombie movie/book/comic, but I don't feel any pull towards their revenge, it being right or wrong.
    I do however harbor a certain amount of dislike towards riley for doubting Saul's integrity to Lizzy. I don't think it was something she would have done normally, but the anger she has towards scratch and everybody's happiness causes her to attempt to plant a seed of doubt in lizzy's mind. We don't see it much now, but I predict in the future there will be a conflict because of this. The suddenness of their departure shocked me a little bit, but really what reason did they have to stay in the colony. I think time is running out and they know it. I wish they would have been talked out of it as I always love the smat ass comments Michael and burt exchange, but I can understand why they did what they did.
    Sorry for the extremely long post. I hope this is pretty easy to understand! Thanks for reading!
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  2. #52
    Osiris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kc View Post
    You can actually grow them year round here I believe. There's no frost levels to worry about.
    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooom! SCIENCE, BITCH!

  3. #53
    Duffusmonkey's Avatar
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    If everyone had a english accent you could pass off the last 3 episodes as episodes of Downton Abbey.
    Thats not true I have never watched more than 2 minutes of Downton Abbey so I don't know what its like.

    The reality is that Netflix has spoiled me, when I find a shown I like i want to watch a whole season in a marathon session. We're Alive is the ONLY show in Podcasts, Television & even books that I am willing to watch a single episode knowing that I will have to wait a week for the next part of the story. I remember not liking the the all of the episodes at thecolony when they came out but when I relisten to them I like them today

    Please KC I am begging you for zombies!
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  4. #54
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    Downton is really, really good. That cast is fucking amazingly good.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kc View Post
    You can actually grow them year round here I believe. There's no frost levels to worry about.
    You are correct, I'm actually growing some right now and they're due sometime between the end of December, early January. I've done it before and they're positively tasty.

    It's flowers I have trouble with :/
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    I was happy to finally have someone throw up the brakes on zombie speculation. Good for Kelly (that heinous bitch!) I like that she's given the role of revealing what Tanya may have missed. for a second I let myself get sucked into the idea that Kelly was an agent of the Mallers. Thankfully I sat down with my sponsor and we talked through those feelings until they went away.

    Knowing who puck is based off is cool because it shows how powerful a friendship KC has with the real inspiration. And if that's not true, I'm going to keep believing it because I like it.

    Look on the bright side, we're getting so much closer to the reveal of awesome things. Next chapter part should bring things together and set us up for a amazing chapter 39.
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  7. #57
    poniesandzombies's Avatar
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    I for one really enjoy the story/character development chapters. These types of episodes have been my favorite through the entire story.... I really hope Burt and I am assuming Riley stay safe. Of course I also truly hope they are successful..... I like Kelly questioning things... I think it is good for the story, but I think Tonya is right... Those "creatures" have plans!!! Puck- slowly becoming my favorite character!!
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  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by pmchawk View Post
    Dang it pegs!! We almost found out what happened to Mikey's arm!
    That is exactly what I was thinking-darn Pegs, always ruining everything!!!

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merlin1274 View Post
    Damn Burt took off.. with Riley in Tow. He sounded like he distrusts CJ..
    Pegs probably wanted to apologize to Michael about the other day. Working in the field gave her some old feelings of Michael from there time there. We know what happened to his arm at the water works.. Puck did not though.. So now they will run out and try to hunt down Burt?
    Pegs will be Farmer Pegs.
    Tonya has it all figured out. But I am sure her bite marks are in the Folder she did not want Kelly to see. But I bet Kelly figures something out and maybe there is a clue in Saul or Victors journal about Sean and them lying to CJ and it will get figured out from there.
    By the way....

    CJ is still a Bitch. But she does have her stuff together.
    As much as I hate to agree... She does have it together. She is still a super manipulative bitch though. I still really dislike her.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by liamkerrington View Post
    first michael gets fish-slapped with lies by most people around, and now he gets torn apart because no one listens to him or gives him the chance to talk about what is on his mind ... Yeah, awesome.
    paaaayyyyyy baaaaaaccckkk!!!!
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, straight from Mysterical Island, it's the Shaman of Schiznick, the Mofo with the Mojo, the Mad Scientist of the Jungle, the Doctor is in!
    Doctor? Doctor who?
    NO! Witch Doctor, fool!

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