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  1. #3
    buzzbros2002's Avatar

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    Beaumont, CA. Down the freeway from the waterworks.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris View Post
    1:54 What sounds like birds chirping. I'm not sure if this is intentional, or if it's something from an ambient track. It's a song-like chirping. It returns sporadically, notable again at:


    The frequency and timing of the noise sounds as if it was looped with an ambient track. It seems to have a familiar pattern, with no variation in pitch or structure. At least none that I can determine. I could be wrong, could be an artifact created in the conversion to .mp3. It's feint, but a second (third or fourth even) set of ears on this would be appreciated. It wouldn't mean much if the scene wasn't taking place inside.

    AH! You looped the ambient track from the ultrasound scene. It's the chair squeaking isn't it? It's got to be! it's the same pattern, I'm almost positive. Not 100% positive, but the pattern sounds too similar.

    I'm catching that too. You have to listen closely to it but I found it most prominent at 2:09.

    Also, at 3:16-5:01 the background noise might want to be lowered a bit. When I was using my headphones it wasn't to bad but field testing it so to speak in my van's radio, it kind of overpowered. That or my radio's being wonky. Can anyone else test that scene out?

    Forget that above paragraph, it was my radio settings. >.<

    I'll give it a third time around, but to be honest, Osiris got most of the things I did.

    At 7:33, you hear the mouse click and not even a second afterwards, you hear the sonogram power down. Realistically wouldn't there be at least a half a second delay there? At the very least, I say half a second to let the click sound finish before the whirring down. That's just me though.
    Last edited by buzzbros2002; Feb 3rd, 2013 at 08:54 PM.



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