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  1. #151
    Privateer's Avatar

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    That would be an Interesting wrinkle, if they got the phone, but lost the battle at the Colony, and hightailed it back to the safehouse. Where they could have been followed...

    But yeah, none of it can be good for the Baby.

  2. #152
    YetAnotherBloodyCheek's Avatar

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    Please, could anyone lend Kimmet a copy of this book:

    Or this

    It takes more than a nuke if words and arguments are your enemies.
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  3. #153
    Nedjema's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillars View Post
    Gatekeeper said "it shouldn't be a problem. I can get it tonight after dark" in regards to the sat phone. The civil war broke out the next morning. Gatekeeper did have time to get it. Whether or not he did is the real question.
    I thought victor hid all day, and the civil war broke out that night, before gatekeeper got a chance to go out and get the sat phone...

  4. #154
    Pillars's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nedjema View Post
    I thought victor hid all day, and the civil war broke out that night, before gatekeeper got a chance to go out and get the sat phone...
    No, gatekeeper went out at night to pull the favors and get the guardians in position for the next morning. Remember Saul asked if he could get the spots covered for tomorrow.

  5. #155
    Witch_Doctor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Litmaster View Post

    King Datu the Lucky Bastard

    I guess you can say that he makes his own luck, but damn.... if I had such 'resourcefulness' I'd be buying lottery tickets!
    This is why I like Datu more and more. He makes me feel better about myself. Just like myself, he's resourceful AND lucky. Only that combination can save him from all of his bad choices. Then again, if he hadn't chosen candy over fruit in The Road to Living Death Skittles might have been named Canned Peaches.

    Quote Originally Posted by Litmaster View Post
    Rebel Mike?
    Shit is going to get heated at central command, especially over this issue of how to use personnel. Interestingly enough, the power dynamic between Kimmet and Michael is similar to that between Shane and Rick in the Walking Dead- one wants to make the 'hard decisions' to save the whole, even if that means sacrificing a few innocents, while the other values each individual enough to give him a fighting chance. This is actually quite a transformation for Michael, for he used to play the role of the short-tempered prick who had no patience for people who always seemed to get in the way of him getting shit accomplished.
    Good point. Also this whole story is filled with themes of leadership. I'm seeing a similarity between Kimmet and C.J. now. He kept a base and a city alive, managed to set up rescue and training operations and had fail safes in place. Yet, just like C.J., all of the tight planning fell apart because... It Only Takes One... to bring the whole house down a tumblin'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Litmaster View Post
    My guess is that a small group led by Michael will eventually defect back to LA, perhaps with some 'secret weapon' by Tanya concerning how to counteract the zombie virus once and for all...
    Ah! I've got it! Tanya gets bitten, doesn't turn, immunity suspected. Puck gets bitten, doesn't turn, he remembers Tanya bit him in Chapter 29 part 1, immunity established.

    Quote Originally Posted by Litmaster View Post
    Call from... Scratch??!?
    Ok, raise your hand if you were half expecting Scratch's voice on the other end of that Sat-phone at the end of the episode. Something like, "What's the matter, Michael? You don't want to plaaaaay with me anymore??"
    Gosh, I hope not. I want to see a couple of wins before the cluster fuck that I'm expecting the season finale to be. You know, destroy the Death Star before the Empire Strikes you back. As for who else survives for now...
    Assuming that everyone is able to share their own personal account at a time when they are free from fighting or running for their lives, and no discovered journals a la Kalani:
    * Victor - Survives: We hear his account after he infiltrates the colony.
    * Saul - Survives: We hear his account since he spotted the Chinook.
    * Lizzy - Survives:- We hear her account during the doctor visits. Also, I'm not sure if she sees the tape of Angel's death before Brinks gives it to Durai. Unless this means Tardust survives which I have a hard time thinking that Saul would allow.
    * Burt - Survives: We hear him after Angel's death. Sound's like he and Scratch are alone. (I hope this doesn't mean Scratch become a good guy.)
    * Peg's and Kelly - Possibly alive: When the refugee convoy is attacked and Michael asks if it's all 1200 people, Puck says no and that others joined the group. Michael replies "What?" The "what" is a staple WA red flag for 'pay attention to what was just said.'
    Last edited by Witch_Doctor; Oct 16th, 2012 at 11:11 AM. Reason: quote issue
    Call Sign: Jive Turkey
    Ladies and Gentlemen, straight from Mysterical Island, it's the Shaman of Schiznick, the Mofo with the Mojo, the Mad Scientist of the Jungle, the Doctor is in!
    Doctor? Doctor who?
    NO! Witch Doctor, fool!

  6. #156
    Pillars's Avatar

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    At the end of 32-2 Vic says "we prepped through the night and gatekeeper pulled all the strings he could."

  7. #157
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    Was I the only one who thought when Datu heard gun shots he may have been driving passed the Colony? or is that just idiotic given the placement of the Colony relative to Ft. Irwin?

    @Witch_Doctor, I too was expecting Scratch's voice, perhaps even Burt's voice (don't know why just felt right). The moment Michael responds with his name and location a red flag went up for me. Not once in this entire show has he just handed out information like that. Except perhaps upon entering the colony I'm not sure.

    Can you imagine if Glenn was on the other end of the line?
    "Well this is Gle..."
    "Hand over the sat phone ya old man I need to tell him the 'phrase that pays' for HOT 105.6!"

    Lastly, I am still curious as to if there are any soldiers out in the Box. Have they been notified of all hell breaking loose? Was the Box possibly closer to Boulder than Irwin? Could they have done something to help?
    Last edited by Bullethead; Oct 16th, 2012 at 11:48 AM.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullethead View Post
    Was I the only one who thought when Datu heard gun shots he may have been driving passed the Colony? or is that just idiotic given the placement of the Colony relative to Ft. Irwin?

    @Witch_Doctor, I too was expecting Scratch's voice, perhaps even Burt's voice (don't know why just felt right). The moment Michael responds with his name and location a red flag went up for me. Not once in this entire show has he just handed out information like that. Except perhaps upon entering the colony I'm not sure.

    Can you imagine if Glenn was on the other end of the line?
    "Well this is Gle..."
    "Hand over the sat phone ya old man I need to tell him the 'phrase that pays' for HOT 105.6!"

    Lastly, I am still curious as to if there are any soldiers out in the Box. Have they been notified of all hell breaking loose? Was the Box possibly closer to Boulder than Irwin? Could they have done something to help?
    The colony is much further southwest.

    Michael only says "Irwin Command" he never says his name or rank.

  9. #159
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    To add to all of the wild guess work I'm also thinking we haven't seen or heard the last from Boulder. The radiation left behind surely must have some kind of ill or positive effect on the little ones and I'm sure they didn't all die, at least not right away. I believe people/animals have been known to survive nuclear attacks although they obviously aren't in the center of the blast radius. Usually these survivors die off due to the radiation right?

    I somehow get a really really really strange feeling that all survivors (including what's left of the mallers) may have to team up to fight a ridiculous onslaught of Zombies. I'm thinking Lord of the Rings battle for Helms Deep here ... I don't know where I think it's going to go down but I just have a feeling this story sooner or later will be all about surviving the Zombies. There is so much left in the whole Ink story and the creation of the little ones as well ...
    What I find really scary about the whole Zombie Apocalypse conceptual life style isn't the Zombies themselves, but rather the fact that we are now a species so disgusted with normality and society that some of us would actually prefer it" - Some Zombie Nerd

  10. #160
    Cabbage Patch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullethead View Post
    The moment Michael responds with his name and location a red flag went up for me. Not once in this entire show has he just handed out information like that.
    I found that a little jarring. In most of the earlier satphone conversations the Fort Irwin end started the call with a challenge, looking for a password response. Even in the heat of the battle for Boulder the person answering the phone was circumspect in how they answered the line. Now, suddenly, Michael is a chatterbox?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullethead View Post
    I am still curious as to if there are any soldiers out in the Box. Have they been notified of all hell breaking loose? Was the Box possibly closer to Boulder than Irwin? Could they have done something to help?
    "The Box" is the local nickname for the training area immediately surrounding Fort Irwin.

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