I'm curious if anyone else on this forum is a "Chaser?" Straight No Chaser is a male acapella group that first formed at Indiana University and they are phenomenal! They became an internet sensation a couple years ago when one of the members uploaded an old performance from 1998 of their rendition of "The 12 Days of Christmas" linked here .

I saw them in November at the Beacon Theater in New York City and they brought the entire audience to tears with a couple of their songs. Two in particular, their cover of Coldplay's "Fix You", and their unplugged version of "O Holy Night".

So what's the big deal about them being unplugged? Singers should be able to sing right? I was in the middle of the second of three balconies in a theater that seats 2,894 people. The video I linked doesn't even come close to doing their performance justice. The power of that moment was unreal.

Check out the links, and discuss. Do you like acapella music? Have any other examples of groups in your school or anything like that?