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    Duffusmonkey's Avatar
    Zombie humper

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    Aug 2012
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    Pete Saves Burt!

    Victor: Pete! you made it help me get Lizzy out out here!
    Lizzy: PETE you came back! Did you come with Saul?
    Pete: Of course I did, Did you think I would come back just for my store supplies.... MY STORE SUPPLIES! (pauses and catches his breath) Victor if I can get to my truck we can bust her out of here.
    Victor: Are you crazy, the gate is right there we just need to get to the swat van. PETE COME BACK!
    Pete: (voice fading as he runs away) My wate..truck is probably in the locked storage bays by the makeshift hospital.

    A adrenaline high Pete grunts and the scrape of a prybar is followed by the snap of a lock

    Pete: My truck! MY WATER BOTTLES! (a car door handle clicking is heard) Crap the door is locked, oh shit oh shit where are the keys (snaps fingers) probably in the locked storage room. (sound of footsteps and rattle of door)

    Burt: (A weak voice is heard trying to sound tough but only sounding broken) What do you want bitch? You going to take off my next finger so you can't see me flipping you off!

    Pete: Who are you? Are there any keys in there?

    Burt: Your not Scratch or Bricks, you sound like that little pissy waterboy, (voice gaining strength) Is that gunfire? what the fuck in going on out there? Hey stupid they hang the keys outside the door where I can see them, but can't reach them.

    Pete: What? Where? Oh there they are! CRAP these aren't car keys!

    Burt: (clears voice) Ahem are you going to let me out?

    Pete: Oh Yeah, ( opens lock on 3rd try, as Burt starts to tap his foot) Your on your own now, I have got to find the ( Pete stops talking to catch Burt who stumbles and almost passes out) Whats wrong... oh shit there is blood everywhere, what happened to your hand? I need to wash that off right now! (you hear the ripping of the cap of a water bottle seal breaking) Shit where is your finger?

    Burt: (grunt of pain, then sarcastic) Thanks for the water I am sure I will grow a new finger in no time thanks to your excellent first aid! Lets get in the truck and go!

    Pete: We can't the truck is locked (Burt grunts as he smashes out the truck window)

    Burt: Lucky for me I have a key , lets go Einstein!

    Pete: Right I promised Victor I would get to truck to being Lizzy back to Saul

    Burt: Lizzy! Saul! They're here?? (The strength returns to Burts voice) Lets go WE HAVE A JOB TO DO!
    Last edited by Duffusmonkey; Aug 30th, 2012 at 07:23 AM. Reason: Self impossed grammar repairs



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