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  1. #131
    Phayz's Avatar

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    I always pictured the Behemoths as looking more like the Tank from left 4 dead 1/2, except maybe taller and a little more mutation in the legs...

  2. #132
    Pickle72's Avatar

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    I just finished re-listening to the whole story again. Its amazing the little bits of info you miss the first time through. So my theory about the virus flipping switches in DNA/RNA still stands but I picked up on something I completely missed the first time around regarding the little ones. The scary dude from the Arena tattooed them (the one that got his arm ripped off had a #5 tattooed on it) and trimmed there finger nails into sharp points. We know this cause when they where looking at the arm that got ripped off they talked about its finger nails being filed to sharp points. And in the Hospital we find tattoo equipment and finger nails on the floor and nail files and nail clippers. There are some theories that the "colored one" made these and all the new zombies. I don't think so, I think he is just favoring these new beasts like a new child. For what ever reason he is compelled to care for them, make them special. Maybe they are the whole reason for the virus, to make these little ones and the other special zombies?
    You also have to remember that the "colored one" is not the starter of all this. It is happening all over the world and it seemed to happen at the same time. So it is either a crazy accident that this dude got the right dose of virus to became what he is or it was in the design of the virus for certain variations to emerge. These smart/crazy/leader ones being one variant maybe a care giver of sorts, a mother beast? You would have to assume that every epicenter around the world would then have the same kind of set of events. Makes me come back to this being some sort of alien attack to first create as many of us into them and then to start transforming into them, through accelerated mutations, with lots and lots of food for them to eat along the way.
    What do you think?

  3. #133
    Wicked Sid's Avatar
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    We don't actually know that this is happening all over the world. The most we know is that something similar may have happened in San Diego(?) due to the news report and that it has spread to the surrounding area of L.A., due to Fort Irwin being on high alert.

    There have been no other reports as to if there are actually other Smart Ones of the caliber that Mr. Suit is, so we also do not know if the other cities, if it has happened there, have any smart ones, jumpers, behemoths, little ones etc. if they are even there it may be just run of the mill Biters.
    "Run..." Was his final word as he exhaled for the last time.

  4. #134
    nikvoodoo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wicked Sid View Post
    We don't actually know that this is happening all over the world. The most we know is that something similar may have happened in San Diego(?) due to the news report and that it has spread to the surrounding area of L.A., due to Fort Irwin being on high alert.
    Don't forget Hawaii.
    Last edited by nikvoodoo; Feb 2nd, 2012 at 01:57 PM. Reason: bad BB code
    ~Ra1th: Nik doesn't sleep, he waits.~
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  5. #135
    Pickle72's Avatar

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    I think we have to assume its a world wide occurrence. If it was only local than there would be a lot more rescue attempts. Getting the people the hell out of the infected zone and into the safe zone. Also no radio chatter, no TV broadcasts, no airplanes flying over, no nothing anywhere. Hawaii was hit. I would think if a remote place like hawaii was hit than its likely that every other location on the map was too. Just assumptions but it makes sense, to me any way.
    And we don't know if there are other smart ones. But if this was a planed attack by someone or something than there would be a plan for smart ones to emerge. Of course this could just be some crazy freak of nature thing and the people of L.A. are doubly un lucky to have the zombies and the smart ones.

  6. #136
    HaveCrowBarWillTravel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wicked Sid View Post
    We don't actually know that this is happening all over the world. The most we know is that something similar may have happened in San Diego(?) due to the news report and that it has spread to the surrounding area of L.A., due to Fort Irwin being on high alert.

    There have been no other reports as to if there are actually other Smart Ones of the caliber that Mr. Suit is, so we also do not know if the other cities, if it has happened there, have any smart ones, jumpers, behemoths, little ones etc. if they are even there it may be just run of the mill Biters.

    Like Voodoo said, you forgot Hawaii and that Kalani says they're more aggressive. It is also fact that the infected are way up north from what they saw during the fly over and it's a pretty good bet that Catalina island is done.

  7. #137
    pokoey13's Avatar

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    I wonder how the zombies regulate their body temperature. In the book world war z the zombies don't die but freeze solid during the winter the humans take advantage of this by destroying a large number of them the ones they miss, later thaw out and continue their endless search for BRAAAAAIIIIINSSSSS

  8. #138
    Raven's Avatar
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    I think this was alluded to when Pegs and Micheal went swimming they were corroded by the saltwater maybe? The ones that were on the island had been starving and tried to swim. So question time does a dehydrated zombie float like cork? In the of Day of the Dead I think it was they just walked along the bottom of the water....oh wait that movie never happened I must be imagining it

  9. #139
    nikvoodoo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by pokoey13 View Post
    I wonder how the zombies regulate their body temperature. In the book world war z the zombies don't die but freeze solid during the winter the humans take advantage of this by destroying a large number of them the ones they miss, later thaw out and continue their endless search for BRAAAAAIIIIINSSSSS
    There's a very large and argumentative thread somewhere around her dealing with the zombies and their body temperature. That's a conversation you might want to look in to. I'll find a link eventually and put it in here so you don't have to hunt for it. But you might want to look in the meantime in Zombie Theories.

    Edit: Found it
    ~Ra1th: Nik doesn't sleep, he waits.~
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  10. #140
    Grognaurd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wicked Sid View Post
    We don't actually know that this is happening all over the world. The most we know is that something similar may have happened in San Diego(?) due to the news report and that it has spread to the surrounding area of L.A., due to Fort Irwin being on high alert.

    There have been no other reports as to if there are actually other Smart Ones of the caliber that Mr. Suit is, so we also do not know if the other cities, if it has happened there, have any smart ones, jumpers, behemoths, little ones etc. if they are even there it may be just run of the mill Biters.
    Better late than never....

    I am pretty sure the TiVo says it is happening in cities around the world. Chapter 2, part 2 maybe?

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