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  1. #41
    kek's Avatar

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    I don't think they feel pain. I think I remember something about a zombie walking around with a broken leg or something, not sure if that really happened. But it seems they do not have pain, since they don't stop when they are getting shot at. They don't react like any normally functioning creature would when wounded. Any creature, animal or human, avoids pain. If an animal with survival instincts learns that if they go near a particular place and are hurt whenever they go, they will learn to avoid the place. The zombies, on the other hand, do not avoid places like the Tower, where they are hurt and killed. This could also be because it is a food source, but I think part of it is that they do not feel the pain, at least in the same way a normal creature would.

    I agree with Wicked Sid, I think it could be a neuron thing. If they are not firing properly, the zombies would not have the normal physiological responses. Including pain response, reflexes, and things like that. It would make sense, also, if they have limited need for oxygen. Since neurons need oxygen to fire correctly, the anatomy and physiology of the zombies could have been altered, so that pain neurons were eliminated, in a way. But they would still need the neurons to the muscles, to tell the body to move and all that. So it is questionable, how it works out.

  2. #42
    Wicked Sid's Avatar
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    Much less neurons tends to equal a decreased need for oxygen. Think about it, where can you feel pain? Everywhere. How many neurons would be needed to convey that feeling from every part of your body? I would think quite a bit, therefore, in my mind anyway, once those were eliminated the body, and brain for that matter, would essentially triple its runnin time while charged with a decimated oxygen supply.

    Another point for zombies breathing? Chloroform. It could have never entered the body if they did not breathe. It is also a point for blood circulation, as the chemical would have never have been delivered to the brain if the blood did not circulate through the lungs.

    One last question, do zombies actually feel a touch?
    "Run..." Was his final word as he exhaled for the last time.

  3. #43
    kek's Avatar

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    I did not remember about the chloroform! You are right, it would need to circulate through the body, and it would need to be inhaled. There would need to be gas exchange in the lungs, so that it would get through the body, so obviously that tissue needs to be alive and functioning properly. Your point is a huge one in favor of zombies bleeding, and having working organs. And yes, I think this is an even stronger indication that the zombies do indeed breath. Even if it is muscle memory, the gas exchange in the alveoli (little air sacs in the bottom of the lungs) is still happening, otherwise the chloroform would have just been released upon exhalation. The effects of the chloroform wore off quickly though, which could be from either a faster metabolism, or a less effective circulation, causing the chloroform not to go all over (I don't know exactly the physiological aspects of chloroform, just the basics) and causing the zombies to wake up sooner.

    However, there is still the possibility that they would bleed out, once injured then. We do not see the once that were shot or injured, so they very well could be dead somewhere, wherever they take the dead ones, and the Tower folk would not know.

    I don't know if they feel touch. Since when they put the trackers on the zombies, when they woke up they did not feel the trackers on their bodies, even with sensory adaptation, they would still feel the difference, but we did not see a reaction from them when they woke up.

    Way to go, Sid, you win a cookie *hands homemade chocolate chip cookie* I had completely forgotten about the chloroform.

  4. #44
    reaper239's Avatar
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    they are alive aren't they? they're not dead they're infected. kc even said at some point (i believe, corroct me if i'm wrong) head shots were not required to kill. an infection can deaden pain.

  5. #45
    kek's Avatar

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    It seems that they are alive to a point. After Sid's wonderful point of the chloroform that is what I am thinking. However, I don't think they are functioning properly, obviously. I don't remember if that was mentioned, about the head shots not being needed to kill, but it would make sense, now. Since they have some working organs (lungs at least) so then it would stand to reason that other shots should be able to kill them. Granted, it would be less effective, since they do not seem to feel pain the same way and don't seem to have such a high importance for their internal organs and fluids.

  6. #46
    Satanic Mechanic's Avatar

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    and all that's just for turned humans. Maybe all bets are off with the modified zoms.

  7. #47
    panzerfaust's Avatar

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    something we can all agree on

    Zombies suck shotgun lead

  8. #48
    kek's Avatar

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    Hm, in Ch 25 part 1, Saul and Victor noted the lack of blood when the behemoth was shot. Perhaps this means something? The behemoths most likely aren't human, they were modified or made somehow, so what keeps them going? Do they not have blood, or do they just have extremely thick skin. Stronger than cement bones and whatnot, since that round did not go through the behemoth and draw blood? Interesting...

  9. #49
    HaveCrowBarWillTravel's Avatar
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    Whew! I'm glad I missed the start of this.. *turning off smart aleck mode*

    1. SOME feel pain. Burt shooting pinstripe in the hand when he was running. It/he sounds off when it's hit. #5 didn't really dig getting it's arm torn off, but it didn't die from "blood" loss.
    2. They breathe. It's the only way they can smell, it's the only way they could be knocked out.
    3. They have the base emotions, namely fear. One hid from Mike during Lizzy's arrival. Pinstripe eye balling Saul's knife and deciding to run instead.
    4. They feel hunger and not just for human. The beach house/dog food episode.
    5. They do die from traumatic injuries, not just shots to the head. example is every fight they've been in. Tommy dying in the fire and probably from the fall.
    6. They're calculating. The various traps set, the car being driven
    7. They aren't reanimated. Tommy turned within several minutes of being infected.
    8. They do sleep
    9. They communicate and follow orders: Datu's capture. Sam's death.. the ambush on the mallers. Randy running from Michael.
    10. The normal infected will bleed. While the special infected like #5 and the Behemoths probably don't bleed "blood."

    so, that means that most of them die from traumatic injuries and massive disruption of bodily Hydrostatic shock.. 5.56 lead poisoning..

    Crowbar out!

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