Quote Originally Posted by Kn1ckerb0cker33 View Post

Since it's been established that majority of the cast and crew have day-jobs...

1. does the cast members availabilities ever factor into how a chapter is recorded and...
2. does it ever effect the storyline in terms a of a character having to be switched out with another due to a cast member being unavailable to record? Or are they usually informed ahead of time so they fit it in their schedule?

1. does the cast members availabilities ever factor into how a chapter is recorded and...

Yes, and sometimes it's also very convenient. Saul had a long vacation planned around the same time he was sick in the series, so it worked out well. Sometimes a character's role can be changed if they aren't available, but most of the time we just find a way around it and record that person separately.

2. does it ever effect the storyline in terms a of a character having to be switched out with another due to a cast member being unavailable to record? Or are they usually informed ahead of time so they fit it in their schedule?

Not really. Minor adjustments are made here and there and I try to let everyone know who's in the next chapter ahead of time. The cast is super flexible thankfully and in audio we have a lot more power than film. Very few chapters have been recorded where 100% of the characters are there.