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Thread: Are thay dead

  1. #11
    Cromulent Frog's Avatar

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    I'm thinking Bert survived. What other "old guy" is there? Second, Lizzy, Saul, and Victor I think are alive. We heard Lizzy yelling, Saul and Victor survived because their hummer didn't receive a direct hit. It hit just beneath it and that would cause it flip up on to its side (at least from the way I interpreted the description). We heard them talk and try and scramble out of the Hummer.

    I think the first thing Saul and Victor are going to do is get to cover. They could be out on their own at the end of Season 2 or they could be captured. I'm going with they're on their own and it's left unknown what happened to them after they got out of the hummer. They're both savvy fighters and have a good understanding of tactics and the first thing is preservation of life.

    Steven is probably toast...wasn't a major player (at this point anyway) Angel is going to stick around and I think he was put "with the old man." Scratch and Angel seem to know each other...the character's actor is a writer/producer. I don't think he'd write himself out of the show.

    Anyone else in the tower that's a no name is there to create an atmosphere and can be easily killed off only to serve as grief and misery for the main characters after they've died. I'm just ready for the next season to start up ecause this was the best story by far!

  2. #12
    Zombiephyllic's Avatar
    "Fresh Meat"

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    Quote Originally Posted by kek View Post
    ... I think Skittles is the other person Scratch was talking about, the Mallers just do not know he is not actually from the Tower...
    I thought that skittles might be the 2nd one they had, too. But then I had the same thought someone else had about the mallers holding Kaloni's Hannah and forcing him to be a mole so I though she could be the 2nd. But they supposedly killed her at the golf course so I'm back to thinking that they do have skittles.
    Last edited by Zombiephyllic; Aug 9th, 2011 at 11:32 AM.

  3. #13
    Elliot Strawbridge's Avatar

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    It's premature at this point to say that anyone is alive other than the survivors in the helicopter. But going by the direction of the narrative, and the nature of the characters left behind, we can take a good stab at who is alive and what will become of them in the third season.

    Saul - Right now, we can almost certainly say that Saul is alive, and regardless of being captured or not, he's in bad shape. He's running around with a pick line in him, which by now has been dirtied with debris, and even if he is out on his own, he's low on medical supplies needed to fight his infection. I'm going to make the claim that he is alive, and will reunite with the other survivors at some point, probably sooner than later. ALIVE

    Victor - This ones tricky because victor falls into a special category character-wise. We know next to nothing about him in terms of facts, but he's given us a great deal of emotional information about his character. He's strong, forward thinking, he has the ability to question leadership but knows how to take orders. He's a lot like a young Burt at this point. I think if they were going to kill him off it would have happened in the finale, so I'd expect to see more from him and maybe even fill out certain roles we'll be missing. ALIVE

    Burt - You can presume him dead, you can presume him alive, however, I guarantee that he is alive, but he won't be for long. The plot has a good number of our main characters captured, dead, or missing right now, and that will come to a head when the maulers bite off more than they can chew by trying to detain them all. Angel and Burt won't go down without a fight, and you can be certain some form of escape will occur with Burt being the sacrificial lamb. It's the hero's death we're all looking forward to. ALIVE...FOR NOW

    Angel - Angel's fate is completely up in the air, considering that he has few plot lines to resolve before he could be effectively killed off. His capture will reveal his history with Scratch, and give brief insight into his past. He has a thing for Riley, but so far it hasn't gone anywhere other than a few cute moments. He'll be on the chopping block for sure along with Burt, considering that Angel has come a long way from episode one and is now a confident fighter and strategical thinker. I'd expect him to be alive, survive Burt, and then die. ALIVE...FOR NOW

    Lizzy - Definitely alive and will definitely survive beyond Burt and Angel. Specific reasoning for this is a little b/s but, the fact that her character has been dragged through a series of terrible events (on a personal level, not that the whole zombie thing isn't terrible) she'll get her reunion and rescue. It would be unbelievable to see a woman booted out of her home, nearly raped, and held in captivity to die with no resolution (though I'm not saying Kc wouldn't surprise us.) ALIVE

    Skittles - Definately alive, definitely not captured. The narrative has gone too far out of its way to show just how good a survivor skittles is. He's not going to let himself be captured, especially by the maulers. However, I do expect him to return to the plot quickly in the next season, possibly even to return the favor to Angel and help free the remaining survivors from mauler captivity. ALIVE

    Those are my thoughts and predictions... I typed this up pretty quick at work, so I'm sure I left some things out. Anyway, let me know what you guys think.

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