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  1. #91
    Kaitlyn's Avatar

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    Long Island, Ny!

    Gamertag: maryjuanuh666
    I've been using my username for 18 years now. all of my family and friends call me it. it's not big deal, my parent came up with it.

    haha sorry to disappoint, my username is my name

  2. #92
    cupcakezombie's Avatar
    Chief in Charge of Distraction Technique

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZombieMama View Post
    Mama... cuz im a mom
    zombie... cuz its a zombie podcast and i love zombies..
    Cupcake... cuz I love cupcakes
    Zombie... cuz I love zombies
    AKA: Grumpycakes... don't cross me.

    ~ TMC Revolver: Pink is the new AWESOME!

  3. #93
    Solanine's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rune View Post
    I write under this name because it is horribly pretentious and writers that i've met thro schooling and authors I had 2 do in a english lit course were all pretentious prats. As such when I started writing I wanted to give them all the finger and say something about writing should b fun, not 4 giving out bogus meaning and symbolism that has no impact on reality and wont change anything.
    Do you count the forum as writing or are you an actual writer? Sorry it wasn't quite clear. I would disagree about symbolism effecting things but this is neither the time nor place for a discussion of literary techniques.

    My name is simply that of the group of poisons found in Atropa Belladonna (deadly night shade).

  4. #94
    Magrat's Avatar
    Chicken-Zombie Overlord

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    Steam ID: Magrat
    Magrat is a character from Terry Pratchett's works. Plus it's not too far removed from my actual name (in the same way that "Craig" is not too far removed from "That guy you saw down at the pub the other day who bought you a beer and was creepy as sin"...).
    Also, my father also occasionally called me it when he was displeased with me. :-S
    I've only one other nickname/username/handle/curseword-that-describes-me that I go by... but that's neither here nor there.
    I wear a fedora now... fedora's are cool!
    Winner of the coveted ZOMBIE CHICKEN AWARD
    Anyone else waiting for a Doctor Who zombie? No? Huh, just me then...

  5. #95
    AdrianHD's Avatar

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    Gamertag: NationalProphet Steam ID: xHDShadowx Raptr ID: HDShadow
    Oh boy. My name has gone through a story of sorts:

    I'll start off by saying that my name derives from my previous username which was "HDShadow."

    So back in the days when I was in 4th grade playing Halo: CE, I often had friends who screen cheated. You know, looking at your screen (I feel like younger kids don't know what split-screen is anymore .__.). So I devised a plan I'd use every time I played with them: I would hide in the nearest shadow and look down so my screen was completely black. Then when my friends would walk by, I'd melee the hell out of them, or otherwise known as "hit down" (ZOMG, IT DOESN'T MEAN HIGH-DEFINITION!?!?!?111?!? I've kinda just let people think that since it sounds a lot cooler that way). Any who, I was watching the first ever Arena tournament for Halo: CE and the winner of the tourney was "HP Darkman." I was like, "HEY! I could do something with that name." So I morphed it into my own.

    Fast-forward last November and I realize that the name is just getting old to me. I'm trying to push myself to be more known in the gaming industry by various peeps, so I want to stray away from it. When I was making a myIGN page, I took an extra second before I registered my usual username and thought that I would prefer to have my name in it instead. Obviously "Adrian" was already taken, so I did the next best thing, added the initials from my previous username and slapped them on the end. Thus "AdrianHD" was born. So now, people I've known pre-November 2011 know me because of the "HD" and people who know me post-November know my actual name. Which is what I prefer in general.

    I just wish the asshole who took would cough it up and let me have it. He was gone for two years and suddenly after I @ reply him and ask if I could have it, he returns, protects his tweets, tweets 15 times, followers 10 people, and is gone again. He also only speaks in Spanish >=|
    Last edited by AdrianHD; Jun 11th, 2011 at 08:19 AM.

  6. #96
    Cabbage Patch's Avatar
    "Body Removal Team"

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    My handle is a nickname I picked up in the Army. I was a Second Lieutenant, and my unit moved out for training the day after I arrived, which meant that I spent three weeks in the field before I even got a chance to find a place to live. Things went pretty well, and at the end of the operation one of my sergeants pulled me aside to let me know that my men had come up with a nickname for me. It seems that a bunch of them were talking about me and somebody said, "the new Lieutenant's alright, but he looks like a cabbage patch doll". I was promptly dubbed "The Cabbage Patch Lieutenant".

    I was mortified, and immediately grew a big bushy mustache to try and disguise my baby face. But I knew from the start that it was a sign that the men had accepted me and that they were using it (mostly) as a term of endearment. Over time the nickname was shortened to Cabbage Patch, and later to just Patch. I picked up a lot of different nicknames over the years, but this one always meant the most to me.

  7. #97
    HardKor's Avatar
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    Gamertag: HarKor1283
    My real name is Kory, which often gets shortened to Kor. And my friends and I have always had a tendency to overuse the word "hardcore" the way most people overuse "awesome" or "cool." Eventually someone put two and two together and I got a spiffy new nickname: HardKor
    "There a many ways to kill a zombie, but I find the most satisfying way is to stab it in the brain with a wooden stick." Dwight K. Schrute

  8. #98
    Fishie's Avatar

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    London, UK
    It's the name I use on another forum, which pointed me towards this one... I've been using it there since 2001 and am not entirely sure why I picked it in the first place! I do like fish, not to eat, but I like scuba diving and pretending to be one of them

  9. #99
    Ctatyk Frost's Avatar

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    ah crap...I bet that I win for geekiest fanboy name possible.
    Blade....Deacon Frost. Hence "Frost" I thought that Steven Dorff did a GREAT job in that role. Favorite character besides Whistler and at the time, I wasn't OLD enough for that one.
    I used to run an online radio station WAAAAYYYYY back in the day.
    My sign on was static which faded to silence & with a voice changer, I said "We are all static" and that faded to more static and that faded into the first track.
    So...when I tried to register Static, that was taken.
    I tried to figure different spellings of "Static" and came up with Ctatyk.
    So, Ctatyk Frost was born.
    Since then, I've never posted anything online as my real name. It's comical when people "Google" me. They find nothing of me.

  10. #100
    ClearSights's Avatar
    Philly Phanatic Zombie

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    I got my name from the first Socom game on the ps2. It was a favorite game of all time and I had about 2000+ hours in it and was part of a top 5 gamebattles clan in it. And within my clan I was the sniper. And from this I came up with "Sights" and then at the time I had these big geeky glasses so I added "Clear" in the front of it to become ClearSights. And I have had it ever since

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