A Question i ask myself and many of my friends often is if they would really be ready for a "Zombie Apocalypse".
And for me i am totally ready.I have all kinds of ideas and strategies and other things that would do good
to help survive in case of an outbreak!

If There was an outbreak that just started what would you do to survive? What would be the first thing you did? or Reaction? (start off like this then let's build off that )

I'll start it off.

the first thing i would do is find a weapon. my weapon of choice that would be available would be my 12 gauge, and for melee i gotta have a katana or machete. Then once i have a weapon i will fortify my house or wherever i may be as much as possible. Since the outbreak would have just started i would have to wait it out as long as i could before adventuring out when shit hits the fan. since everyone and everything will be in complete chaos that would be the best chance of surviving in the long run. all i got for now