I have a Get home back I keep in my truck. Enough stuff for the 2 day hike it would take me from work to home.
I have 3 kids and wife so bugging out would not be an easy feat.
Plus I am a strong supporter of our 2nd amendment. Also have a Concealed Weapons Permit. So I keep a few extra mags in my bag along with extra ammo.
Multi-Tool and decent straight bladed boot knife is a must. A heavy bladed Machete or Nice Hatchet is not a bad Idea.
There are a lot of little things you can add but you have to be concerned about weight.
Just make sure you have a couple life straws and water purification tablets in whatever bag you have. You can last longer with out food. But not long with out potable water.
MREs are a good Idea. But also some of those coast guard emergency rations are not a bad Idea to have in a bag too.
I could gone on forever on this topic. But there are a lot of good articles out there with detailed list of things to put in your kits.