I faked left, went right. I've seen an opening, I take it. One gets in my way. I lower my shoulder, he's on the ground. As I make my escape, my instinct takes over. The alley to the left? No good, they've swarmed it already. Straight? Its clear but, for how long? I can't risk it. I rush to the right. Luck must be on my side today, its clear. I find some time to finally open my journal, I write "To anyone who finds this, please know, these ones are different somehow... Faster... More intelligent..."

These days, Most likely weeks, have gone by so quickly. Every night, I lose my sense of time. At least these damn things are good for something. They keep me alert and awake with their incessant banging. I may not be able to hold up here much longer, they know where I am, I need supplies and I fear the worst for my family. I miss Shay, my buds George and Howie, my Mom, I just can't think of her name... Why?

Some of the smarter ones have started tearing the door off of my shack but I found another hideout in an apartment with strangely, another journal, its seems that they were a scientist.

This is the latest entry, "I was able to fend them off with my pistol and I was able to get a finger from one of them to further my research in hopes of finding a biological weapon to erase these scum from the face of the Earth. I document my findings so far. They seem to be compelled to feed of off living tissue. The chromosomes, x- only, for I have only been able to collect a male sample, from an earlier specimen seem to be what has caused the mutation. I have no idea how this is possible. Further testing is needed. I'm so sorry..."

I'm glad I took that fucker's rifle now.

It had to have been a goddamn joke... That rifle was a BB gun. Shows what I know about weapons. As I walk towards my old shack to try and recover some supplies, it was eerily quiet. The door slowly creaks open as I push it with my foot. Empty, my place was raided. After a string of curses, I silence myself. I quickly grab my bat which I had left on the floor awaiting the barrage of enemies that should be approaching. But, nothing, just empty streets. I laugh at the irony. Suddenly, I hear an engine start up. Lights from out of nowhere, screams of enjoyment. The tires squeal as the truck speeds in my direction...

I ran for my life down the street. Looking for an open door. Hoping for an open door. Fuck it, I smash a window, jump inside narrowly dodging a bullet as it whizzed by. The truck sped forward, the smell of burnt rubber in the air as they cut a sharp left circling for an alleyway. A loud smash from the right, crazy fucks must have crashed right into the building. I do not have much time. I ready myself for the coming assault by finding a dark corner and tightening my grip on the bat. I see one carrying a rifle, it looks to be custom-made, I let him pass for now. There can't be more than two. As I see a second flashlight, I try to steady my breath, trying to keep calm before I launch my attack. The recoil hurts my arms as my bat connects with her head. Slowly, she left out a soft sigh and her last seconds ticked away. I pick up her pistol and put it in the small of my back. Moving back into my corner, I yell a small scream. Predictably, the other one comes running, rifle raised. The second recoil hurts as much as the first and third.

When I awaken some time later, soaked in blood. After I vomit from the horrendous smell, I move to retrieve the rifle. While looting the corpse, I find a black Desert Eagle with a silver etching on one side. I unlock the door to my apartment, moving inside with haste. As I inspect the custom rifle, I notice that it is quite unusual, having an 8-shot revolving cylinder. The bullets on the other hand are the same as the Deagle's. I just hit the jackpot.


...I can feel my ligaments being torn out of my wrists by his teeth. The tendons in my shoulder pulling deeper in my skull as her slim fingers rip them from my body. Four hands reaching into my stomach, removing my intestines. My skin burns as they retract their hands and drip stomach acid on to my chest. But...

... It doesn't hurt. I feel... almost... tranquil... as my life slips from my fingers...


I wake up with blood running from my nose. I clean it up quite quickly, using tissue paper to plug my nose to slow the bleeding. In the bathroom, I look at my self in the mirror fully realizing what I had done the previous night. Murdered two possible uninfected. Two humans beings. Then, I start to remember the dream. Flashes of my death as played out by my subconscious. No fear, No pain, only... serenity. Tranquility in death.

Walking slowly, down the street, avoiding the seemingly slow moving zombies, with little effort, I am given some time to think. My past is nothing note-worthy, my future.. Pfft, What future? I shall not think of the future, considering that there really is nothing to look forward to. I am alone, lost in hell.

Its been awhile since the last time I had been able to think. My brain's been rattled after seeing waves and waves of those things, I feel my mind slipping away, slowly, as the days pass. Loneliness is a terrible thing...

I walk past a small pond, full of bloated bodies. Tree surround both sides of the road, my pockets rattle, full of bullets, and needing only one kind, I'm thankful for those crazies. I have a small backpack made of denim, says "Wrangler," but I removed the "W" and added an "S" and a "T," a "Strangler," backpack. Its these kind of thoughts that let me move past the smell, the sights. Rural Mississippi, making my way towards the Pacific, I have quite awhile to go. I have to find a vehicle.

Its early in the day, I'm jogging down a dirt road, I spot a break in the trees. A small roadway leading up to a large church, "A relic of times past," I quietly say to myself. Blackness. "Wake up, come on honey, wake up," A soft voice I've not heard in quite a while. "Shay?" My voice is barely a whisper, my eyelids are heavy, my head throbs. "You have to wake up, you're late for..." Her voice trails off as my eyes open. I wake, still in the middle of the road, the coppery taste of metal in my mouth. As I regain consciousness I become aware of my surroundings. Tears well in my eyes as I'm ripped from my Heaven.

I choose to take refuge in the church for the night, there's no need to risk it. Crosses, pews, a confession booth, it all seems really normal. "Hello?" There's a quiet rumbling to left, no, to the right. A guttural growl quickly escalates to a large roar. "Really, a fucking wolf?!" It all plays out quite slowly as I raise my rifle and steady my breath when it starts it's charge. When it's face hit the moonlight I noticed half of the cheek was missing and the eyes were milky white. I hesitated, another slams into my shoulder before I pull the trigger. I roll, facing up, its already above me. Only my rifle separates me from him, as slobber sprays my cheeks. The teeth are gnarled and crooked, many are missing. Using my legs, I kick out sending it back a few feet allowing me to regain my footing. I'm ready to shoot but, I notice three more wolves, one has a broken leg, but all have bullet wounds, have appeared, a god damned pack of z-wolves. I guess this virus or whatever it is doesn't miss a chance for evolution. The bullet wounds tell me that I need to run, I doubt I can hit five heads in a row. I turn around, hopping over the pews with my tail between my legs. I grab my pack and head for the nearest confession booth. I barely close the door before two loud smacks hit the wood. The rifle is too big to aim effectively in the booth. Have to use the Deagle. I raise it while holding onto the door. 'Click,' "No! Fuck me!" I check the clip, its full, I forgot to cock it. Three more loud smacks, small cracks form in the wood. I empty the whole clip into the door. One loud squeal and the sound similar to a sack of meat hitting the ground. Two more smacks, the wood is extremely weak, one more ought to do it. "So much for taking my chances in the night," I let out a sigh and ready my rifle. The pattering of their feet heightens my fear. I run out screaming and drop the first two I see. Three more shots into one, its done. The last charges, I finish the cylinder. It doesn't go down. The force of its hind legs on my chest is all I remember when I awoke the following morning.

4 wolf carcasses, decaying, rotting, and the stench is nothing new but, still nauseating. After a full check I notice that I'm too damn lucky, the last didn't take a chunk out of me. It's body is nowhere to be found, no blood, no trail, it just disappeared. My muscles are sore, and my mind is foggy as to what really happened last night. I should be dead or err... undead. The sun stings my eyes as I open the church doors, pack in hand. "I guess its just another new day."