My best friend has written a screenplay for a zombie movie, and he's hoping to get funding to film it via IndieGoGo. Can you help?


"Zombie Woman" is a short film about a woman who is turned into a zombie, is temporarily cured, and regresses back. By making a story about a character able to reflect on her zombie past, we are able to pierce the psychology of a zombie. Why do they do the things they do? Do they have a choice?

Typically a movie of this type is an external battle of zombies versus humans. Here the battle is internal; with our hero protagonist and antagonist, human and zombie. It is a different way to look at a zombie film and hopefully will make for a unique experience.

"Zombie Woman" is one of twenty short scripts selected to be a part of the 2014 Steeltown Film Factory Community Showcase, a contest designed to find and assist talented Pittsburgh writers. You can read the screenplay here:

The aim is to shoot this summer. It will be shot primarily in Carnegie, PA; in line with Steeltown’s initiative of encouraging filmmaking in Southwestern Pennsylvania. The project is also being supported by Carnegie Screenwriters, another group assisting Pittsburgh based writers.