Statistically, I know there must be Adam Carolla podcast listeners who frequent this forum. You don't become the most listened to podcast on the planet without having a huge audience. So for you listeners, you already know about this.

For those who don't know, Adam Carolla is being sued by Patent Trolls (and there is no better way to describe them than that). So why should you care? It's his issue, right?

Well, no. It's everyone who listens to a podcast who needs to concern themselves. See, it's not Adam that's being sued. It's the playlist format it's delivered in. Some individual has acquired the patent for listing to things in chronological and sequential order and is attempting to take down the largest podcast. If he wins, that means he can continue down the line suing every podcast owner until he gets bored or stops.

Seems dumb, doesn't it? Well that's because it is. Another podcast has covered this quite well. In fact, I think the exact patent troll who is going after Adam Carolla is covered (I don't originally aired 3 years ago): This American Life: When Patents Attack! This is a fantastic way to learn about how this idiocy works.

Adam Carolla has set up a fund raising campaign to assist his legal defense. Per the rules of the forum, I am not linking to it even though I gain nothing from his campaign. You can find it easily enough by searching "Adam Carolla Patent Trolls." Donate if you'd like, but it's obviously not required.

I felt like fans of any and all podcasts should be made aware of this. I don't know about any of you, but I hardly listen to music anymore. I listen to podcasts 95% of the time I'm traveling to and from work. I don't really listen to music. We all have an affinity to We're Alive obviously, but if ass clowns like this troll succeed it could screw with the entire podcasting world, and quite honestly could screw iTunes and other online music providers. Anyone who provides you a chronological list of music/podcasts on a computer is vulnerable to this patent apparently.

Check it out, donate if you feel inclined, but at least be made aware that Patent Trolling isn't just Apple and Samsung shooting spitballs at each other and tying up our legal system. It does have the potential to impact what happens to the way we get entertainment in the future. Might this be overblown? Yes, but if successful it starts down a slippery slope.