Quote Originally Posted by Footbutt View Post
i seem to remember the speculations about Samantha being used as a "Queen Bee" for zombs?
it sounds like "too much" for me, but the :tinfoil -ist in me can see that little drop of her name in Hope's goodbye with Datu could be foreshadowing.... but unlikely.

of all people, Datu has had his world rocked the most:
Not knowing the fate of his children
watching the people he's lived with die (tower residents)
befriending Towerites, Colonists, only to have them die right before him
falling in love and losing her in a matter of days
being bitten, feeling the change, knowing you're going to die

but above all, he is having his faith tested. that is the one thing he keeps coming back to. in all of this chaos, he is still clinging to that hope. i admire him for that.