amen, bullethead

I think too often people try to take any story within the television medium too seriously. the walking dead (t.v.) is based from a comic book. the storytelling within that medium is nowhere near as intense as -say- novels...or even a properly written, scripted movie, or hell-an original story'ed television show for that matter. the idea of the show has been flawed from the beginning of season two in my opinion. when frank darabont left the show, the whole "too many cooks spoil the soup" factor kicked in...and this show went from something possibly great to what could arguably the best shitty show on television.

that said, I liked season three...and ive liked everything we have gotten in season four, including this last episode. why? how? I don't take a show like this too seriously.... this show is good eye candy. for me its never going to be something amazing. if I want amazing television, ill watch x-files reruns.

Question for you litmaster. have you read the novels? I personally have not either, and im only mid-way through the actual comic series...but one thing I do hear consistently is ; Robert kirkman is not actually a good writer..he's just telling a unique story. from what ive read in the comics, I would tend to agree.....and THAT is (some of) the source material for the show