Hello gamers and other zombie-food,

about a week ago I had the great and awesome opportunity to join a gaming group trying to fiddle their way through the Beginner Box for the Star Wars - Edge of the Empire roleplayinggame published by Fantasy Flight Games. And ever since I am kind of "addicted" or shit ... No clue, although I am not a huge Star Wars fan and although roleplayinggames have lost momentum in my hobby-activities, SW EotE tingles me in the back of my head. For a couple of days now I listen to the Order 66 Podcast, which is dedicated to nearly only SW-EotE, which is an amazing show on which the moderators and guests speak about all things SW EotE all the time - the game-content, the spirit of it etc. and shit ...

Now, I was wondering:

Anyone here around playing the game? If so, what is you opinion about the game or parts of the game?

Best wishes!