I'm new to the podcast and am quickly catching up. Currently upto chapter 21. Now to my point... I am an English listener and listen to the podcast as I walk my dog through the local woods and fields. I was however stopped dead in my tracks when we were introduced to "pippin" English escapee from the mallers. His accent was horrible and all over the place. No Brit talks that way. However that was forgivable. His name however... Really!?! I listened on, like most imagining yourself in the tower and wondering how you'd cope in that situation. Within 5 minutes I'd made the easiest decision. Had I been a survivor, pippin was a dead man walking. Ridiculous name and cringeworthy whiney voice. He was not right. In my mind he deserved to die and I was preparing an angry email to the writers demanding his execution and offering my own voice as a genuine British character to expose him as the fraud he is and to "pop a cap in his ass" (or arse to keep it British) and we could all move on... Imagine my delight however when a mysterious assassin beats me to it. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. I can look forward to tomorrow's walk without the fear of having to listen to him and I look forward to catching up with everybody else.