Quote Originally Posted by Kc View Post
True, but I feel it might be a mistake to think that "we" would react the same as "them". That doesn't give much of anything away, or hints, just "helping".
Oh, well it obviously does not effect the infected the same as the uninfected. that is evident by Saul not getting choked up as much and Tanya breathing just fine in the haze.

What effect did this have on #7, we are not sure yet. These things walk through gunfire massive bodily harm to achieve their goals, so a little "choked up" may be nothing at all.

My personal opinion is that once infected, they become immune to the gas, possibly even enjoy it....but that might just push it a little bit.

....and for my "Off In Left Field" theory, maybe after the Maulers raised the Arena, they moved to Inglewood where it was safe. Or, just possibly the arena was a sideshow all along. I think Ground Zero is where Michael's search for Ink will lead, and they will find him and a couple few more infected.

This should probably have gone in the theory section. Bad Tactical.