I know there is pretty much two groups. The ones that think that they are the same person, and those (Like Myself) that think they are different. Here is some things I think are odd this point.

We have a Zombie that can.... Read... Write....Tattoo... Speak.... and do high end genetic growth making Super Zombies.

But the Dude can barely open the Tower door. They said that he had a lot of trouble putting in the code. That just seems off. I know that in Real Life we have ppl that can do advanced math in their head, but not tie their shoes. That just seems a bit much for the story. Pin Strip (Who if I believe no one has seen up close. Always face in shadows) can do all of this and not put in a simple code? Just seems off. Really off. He was calm and reserved when Riley and Co saw him in Hospital. May sound odd, but I think that help points at them being different. I just can't wrap my head around someone that is able to plan so much and can't open a door.

If they are the same person then maybe Bill Roberts multiple personalities ties into it. The Arena was a hell hole. It was hell on Earth. They had piles of bodies and even a ring to do who knows what in (They only said play with food). The one with the Markings was said to be there. It was like the nest of a tribe of animals.

The Hospital was another matter. Yes it was rough, but not in the same way. It was more structured. Instead of an animal we saw Pin Strip as a calm thinking person. Not the rulers of a Tribe of Barbarians, but as a scientist almost. Could be that the two places just was how he kept his issues seperate.

I still think they are seperate, but if they are not then I think his mental issues is the key of why it is so odd.