Hey all!

I'm half-asleep as I type this, but this past weekend was so amazing I have to tell you about it!

Last Fri, Sat and Sun was PAX East (a videogame convention for those of you that don't know) held in Boston. The videogames were fun, but meeting and hanging out with the folks that attended was the best part. Did I mention there were a few We're Alive/We're Not Dead superfans in attendance?

Yup, it was awesome. Just one example: While wandering the halls of PAX, this guy saw me and shouted "WE'RE ALIVE!". It made my day.

I only have a few pictures, but I'm sure the rest will pop up in time!

Your hosts being weird. CAPTION IT!

It's MrRooni from the forums!!!

Pictured: Stephen (StephLaugh), Sarah (mush_rooms), Greg (GameOverGreggy), Britt and Beez. All have been on an episode of We're Not Dead!

And to the others I met and talked about We're Alive with, thank you for saying hi!