
Are there any Star Trek fans out there? So much hardcore Star Trek fans, that you actually admire or at least appreciate well done homages to the original Star Trek show?

There is something available on the world wide interwebsszzZ:


These are new stories about Cpt. Kirk and his crew boldly going where no one has gone before - or how ever this iconic Star Trek phrase goes.

The first episode (lasting about 50 minutes) is available; and more will come, as it seems:


I am not a huge Star Trek fan; I am not really a fan of Star Trek anyway. But I appreciate this classic SF show a lot, as it is one of the milestones in te-vo-entertainment. And the first available episode in the "Star Trek Continues" show breathes the spirit of the original Star Trek show.

If you are interested or at least wish to establish your own opinion 'bout it, go ahead and watch it.

Best wishes!