Quote Originally Posted by Hanniekuma View Post
A tale of the ending of Pegs' and Michael's relationship

Bloc Party - Flux

OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you THANK you for posting this!
I've been thinking a lot about all the relationships in WA and how accurate they are. It's all about timing and meeting in the middle. Unfortunately for Pegs and Michael, Angel and Riley, it seems like the typical case of " don't know what you've got..."

I'm a huge fan of heartbreak....disco, stories, poetry, books. There's just something about longing and the gut punching ache of wanting something so bad that every single time you have a moment to grab it, it just disappears, or worse, it crumbles in your hand. WAAAAH!
Thank you very much for your kind words, they are much appreciated. Wow. I love this thread.