I bought this for PC. I expect things to be goofy. But, wow! The controls are soooo sloppy. It is painful, but I suck it up and carry on. The tuturial system sucks. I get user info pop up and I have no clue what they are alking about. 8 / 30. Or 5 / 12. What? Ok, keep playing. There really is no save system to fall back on. So, experimentation is really painful. Suck it up.

Return to the game and I think the save is corrupt. Things do not seem right. Soldier on. Then it hits me, the game seems to be keeping time when I am not there. It will run the system down if I do not babysit my ant farm. I have no problem with a harsh system, I am old. I was on an old Multi User Dungeon. It was persistent. It predates Mmos and it wa just text basd. The owner slapped us hard. Killed all the peasants. No one grew grain, we all died.

Not, what I am looking for in a game. I will mess around a bit more because I like some of the concepts. But, sheesh, I am not looking to be tethered to a game like that.