Hi guys,

Potential Spoilers if you haven't gotten to the Arena and Hospital areas yet, so catch up before reading on...

you have caught up now? good, carry on..

Firstly, apologies if this has already been filtered through someone elses mind and made it to the interwebs already but I have a theory surrounding Ink(pin-striped suit man) the arena, hospital and ... Samantha.

I think that there is more to this than meets the ears. Firstly.. Datu never "seen" what happened to her as he looked away. and Sam never recounted 100% on her experiences I believe.

I think that the whole lighting fires and gathering was too cultish to be a random feeding frenzy.. the biters all ate using the stockpile a la Angel y Riley. So there has to be something else to it.

the Hospital has a chair with a tattoo needle and Ink wasn't very dextrous when inputting numbers into the keypad at the tower, but then again he did catch an arrow..and the numbers on the "little ones" were described as crude. also the finger nails and blood every where.. maybe the victims were bloodied or semi butchered to become little ones.. maybe its a demonic ritual given the nature of Ink's tattoos? also indications of demonism could be the fact that the earth is opening up into mysterious depths, perhaps a version of hell has sent out its minions.. ( i digress )

I believe there may be a direct relation to what happened in the arena with Sam, to the creation of the little ones. and if so there may be a potential confrontation with little one Sam vs Datu and Hope. possibly a conflict that may result in the unfortunate ending of Datu in a mixture of emotion. (although i hope not)