This post has minor spoilers if you haven't listened to Season 3 yet.

Those of you who have listened to Season 3 will recall that the place that was referred to as "The Other Tower" during Seasons 1 and 2 was actually a place called "The Dunbar Apartments".

Well, there actually is a complex in Los Angeles named "The Dunbar Apartments", though it's not the place that KC based The Other Tower on, and KC has stated on the Forum that the common name was purely a coincidence. The real Dunbar Apartments is a low-income senior housing complex that was converted from the old Dunbar Hotel, which was once a centerpiece of LA's historic negro neighborhood, and the epicenter for Jazz music on the West Coast.

This week the story of the old Dunbar Hotel was the subject of a major story in the LA Times:,1543890.story

I know that the Dunbar Hotel isn't really a part of the We're Alive story, but it's an interesting tale, and it's well worth reading.