so i was surfing the internet and found this article. it's really well written and thoughtful. while anyone can use the information (and i would encourage everyone to read it) it is directed to men specifically. it's located on this site which is dedicated to all things manly of years gone by, from being a manly man, to tips on everything from dressing for a first date to dressing for a job interview to trimming up your moustache, to manly skills with articles like a primer on shotguns to "in praise of the push reel mower" to how to make a slingshot, and much much more including protips for the zompocalypse. the articles are often as funny and entertaining as they are informative. there is a lot of good info on being manly men (and no i don't mean muscle bound meat heads) in an age of effeminate, wishy-washy, girly men. i'd suggest every guy who would like an extra dose of testosterone and a little guidance on what to do with that testosterone to check out the site. bring back the men.