I did not find a thread under this section for CJ so I thought I'd start one.

I don't have a whole lot of theories on CJ but I do have one and this is the best place to lay it down.

About CJ's past. It has been pretty common thought that she is an excellent planner and a poor executor. This may well be true but what if CJ is not so much weak in execution but perhaps just no good at improvising. So all her well laid plans some worked, but others could have hit snags. The ones that hit snags are probably where she looses her touch. Probably why she needed Sean around to help when she got overwhelmed.

CJ as of this post is mad with Saul and jealous of Lizzy. Not much to theorize here with the present situation. Cut and dry. She's hurt so shes pushing him away to avoid getting hurt more.

Here is where my theory and reason for making this thread comes in. I am sure CJ will come around to her senses in an episode or two. I have a feeling that she will do the honorable thing and help Saul and Victor come up with a plan to get Lizzy back. In this plan I predict a snag coming up and CJ might be the one who bites the bullet here. I feel she may end up dying. But not for nothing. I think it will be a heroes death and it will inevitably get Saul to Lizzy.
Knowing how thick headed Saul is it will probably be this moment when he realizes CJ was into him. He'll feel horrible and what not and mourn her loss. And my second prediction is that Saul and Lizzy's baby will be named after CJ.