I've read a couple of reports that Microsoft is going to "kill off" the Zune software, and its hardware as a by-stander of this, during E3 when it announces a new music service called "Woodstock." I thought I heard something about this on Tech News Today. But I still can't figure out if they'll just let the old Zune software run on its own, without reaching into the Microsoft Cloud for verification or if all us Zune owners will have to switch over to Woodstock.
I saw that Zune Passes will eventually be carried over to the new service (actually that's speculation from the articles, so far), but I want to know if my old Zune mp3 player will work with this Woodstock thing. I really don't want to buy a new player because this one has been with me for several years now, and you can't find a good mp3 player with all the features and storage like the one I have (I went for the biggest hard drive that Microsoft would pack in there).
At the very least, I'm hoping that whatever Microsoft ends up doing stays compatible with my Zune player AND lets me continue downloading/searching/playing various podcasts.

And before anyone says it, I ain't buying an Ipod.