Quote Originally Posted by Cabbage Patch View Post
There was an interesting comment in one of the other threads (sorry, couldn't find it to give proper credit) that the zombies might be compelled to flee from haze, or things that look like haze. For evidence he cited the fact that the zombies left the area of the Tower when it collapsed in a cloud of dust, leaving the dead bodies behind. I wonder if the smoke from the fire during The War might have contributed to the zombies departure at that time.

If the haze turns people into zombies it would make sense to imbed a command to make them move out of the area once they've turned. I'd love to see this theory tested. I wonder if Burt had any smoke grenades in his hidden store room?
Zombie collectors would have taken the dead at ground zero like everywhere else but they were left behind. If they were all turned to zombies then the area would have no bodies. Also for zombies as a whole to fear the haze they might have all tried to go in to ground zero.

Just a theory, but everyone wants to know what is at ground zero, even Pinstripe. Maybe Pinstripe ordered zombies to go into ground zero but they died. Skittles mentioned to Angel and Kalani that he didn't think there were any more Jumper zombies around. Maybe Skittles saw the dead Jumpers around ground zero or saw Pinstripe ordering them leaping into ground zero and dieing.