So I had a few thoughts when listening to this one:
1. (This goes back the part 2 but it was in the recap so I will include it here) after the coyote, michael gets mad about the trash and asks who had the jumbalaya because presumably its theirs. But if you listen earlier it was he who had it. Perhaps a sign he is starting to crack up a bit?
2. Was kinda pissed the riley was went missing as a cliff hanger only to show up drunk minutes in. But since this is unlike KC to do things like this for no reason and they didn't know where the alcohol came from my guess is she got it from the farm house and there is something else there that will come into play later on down the story. (Maybe riley found it or alerted it to their presence, or maybe a fall back if ft irwin is a no go)
3. I too want to know what the hell Datu was saying at 10:38.
4. Gotta say, this episode was not my favorite, great acting and writing still, but nothing happened. Kinda anticlimatic ending to a day waiting for my drive home to listen to it. And now 2 weeks... Guess its a good time to relisten to them all straight through