I came across this earlier this week. Definitely something worth checking out for any stat-geek like me. It's basically a run down of your most popular activity on Xbox Live and how some of it compares to the rest of the community out there.
I discovered that I have no life because I have accumulated over 288 hours on just the first Mass Effect (see thread in video games section for more details on my no-life having playtime). That is a little disheartening because I'm playing the sequel, have logged over 50 hours so far, but have yet to put the second disc of the game in the xbox disc drive.
Also saw that I have racked up only half the hours for Halo Reach that the community has put in (328 hours vs 161 hours).
I'm curious what my FIFA 11 stats look like.
Anyway, thought some folks would want to check out how they spend their time on the 360.