Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner AND a recipient for the prize!

Drumroll please!

The winner is....

...the administrators/moderators of the forum!


The kind folks that keep this place neat and tidy for all of us have graciously decided to give the prize, a signed season one box set, to the second place winner instead of keeping it for themselves. How awesome is that?

So while the admins and mods won the contest, the prize will go to our second place winner, who was...

Another drumroll please...


Scott, please contact me ASAP and I’ll hook you up. Thanks everyone who participated and made this a fun and enjoyable contest. Don’t forget to check out Gatekeeper’s Bad Day contest for a chance to win awesome prizes, and don’t forget to send fan scripts to Scripts that are read on the podcast will win a t-shirt., the writer of the script win a t-shirt. Not the script. WHAT WOULD A SCRIPT DO WITH A T-SHIRT ANYWAY.