After the fiasco with my mic the other night, I headed over to Best Buy yesterday to scout for a new and shiny recording device. Call me ignorant, but as I browsed the mic/headset aisle I looked for the most expensive and shiny concoction I could find. Because (this is where you call me ignorant) the more money something costs, the better it is, right?


I ended up taking home this wireless Logitech headset that looked promising (and shiny) enough. After charging the headset for a few hours it was time to record episode three of We’re Not Dead, and I was eager to see what my new toy could do.

What it can do, as it turns out, is lose its connection for several minutes at a time ::shakes fist at wireless connection:: and record crap-quality audio. I tried to salvage as much as I could, but when it comes down to it...there’s not a heckuva lot of comprehensible audio there! Greg and our guest were hilarious, but without my track the podcast doesn’t flow.

I’m still holding onto the zombie growls and comments about Kalani ya’ll submitted, and they will be listened to/read on next week’s episode!

Also, I'll be making a few announcements in the next few days, so keep on the lookout for those!