Spoilers for all six parts ahead, natch. And that goes across all sections of notes here -- part 1 notes have spoilers for part 6, etc.

So like I said in my introduction post, I just recently listened through Lockdown without having listened to any other WA episodes -- and I've been dying to talk to someone about it, even if it's just to re-hash what y'all have already been over. Accordingly... here are some notes made during and after listen #2.5.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

This ending was pretty rough on me, not only from the emotional avalanche of Simeon's betrayal and Jeremy's reveal and the subsequent murder... but because I immediately wanted to know what happens next, and there's no next episode! I need to know these kids are alright, alright? I need them to show up in later material. It's hard to content myself with thinking these six episodes are all we got of them.