I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say that the depiction of the Mallers make them seem more like the criminals on the Adam West version of Batman and Robin or like the various gang members from the 70s movie The Warriors, than the hardened thugs of today. I always imagined Scratch, Tardust and Bricks looking like they were on their way to a rumble at the local sock hop. Listening to the other Mallers speak didn't help their image either. Charlie was a complete wuss and Weasel (Weasel? Seriously, was this guy locked up since the 1950s?) sounded like a carbon copy of Tardust.

Now the Twin Towers inmates sound more hard core in a contemporary way. Their speech pattern, vocabulary, attitude... and that's just the non violent offenders that's feature in Lockdown.

So, in a rumble, beat down, gang war or what ever fights are called nowadays, WHO WILL WIN?