Quote Originally Posted by Witch_Doctor View Post
Similarities to A Story of Survival pop up in this episode, from the risky search for a cell phone (The hunt for the Satellite Phone) to the concern about setting off alarms when opening doors (The Reserve Base' arms locker compared to Jodi opening the door to the hallway.)

I kind of thought the inmates eking out their own little corners in the holding room reminded me or the Tower Survivors picking out their apartments. Jodi's efforts to gain access to the surveillance cameras...

OK, maybe I'm reaching, but I'll admit that I'm on the look out for Easter Eggs.

Quote Originally Posted by eda14 View Post
I had two thoughts listening through part 3 again today.

1- When everyone is trying to barricade the door, the music reminded me very much of Ink's....cry? Scream? Call? Whatever the noise he makes to call others, that.
2- I loved the little bit of comedic relief in the chase. "Poor Mitchel, He was cool. What about him; you know this guy? Nah, kill away. Alright"
Here's another one. eda14's post reminds me on Angels line, "Shoot that bitch in the face". One of my favorite quotes in the series!!!