Fantastic conclusion!

I love that my hope about Scratch ending up accomplishing nothing at all after all her efforts and all the deaths on her hands was true!! Yay! She really did get her comeuppance in the end. That was truly terrifying that scene where she talked to Burt!

I'm sad that Saul died. I figured that he would so it wasn't overly surprising but it was still a heart wrenching scene. Vic and Sauls goodbye and Michael telling Tanya about it was rough to listen to.

The time jump at the end was great! I love the new world at the end. Aunt and Uncle Vic. That's adorable. I'm also happy that Michael got to live in the end since he's always been my favorite but I was a little bit disappointed he didn't really get to do much in the finale. Not even finish off Randy after the mistake of letting him turn.

I wonder what Tales of We're Alive will hold. I almost hope it's not the future timeline because after such a strong uplifting ending I don't want to tarnish that with a new series.