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  1. #1
    GamerGirl's Avatar

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    Season 2 duscussion in perpetration for the finale (spoilers)

    So I'm 5 chapters behind on my deadline (just finished chapter 18)..... But atlast I'm not as late as I was last week in starting the discussion.....

  2. #2
    GamerGirl's Avatar

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    I will say this before I start bing listing again:

    Pegs can shoot - she checked the gun as they where leaving the tower & took out 2 zombies on the road to the colony. So why does she hate them?

  3. #3
    Grognaurd's Avatar
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    Gamertag: slilckJoshua Steam ID: Grognaurd
    Why does she say, "Wait, Marcus is in charge?" to Tanya?
    Why is she so flustered that there is a plot to kill him?
    At the Colony is the first time we hear the term Guardians, but let us not forget, she referred to the soldiers as guardians in Season one.
    Victor has just so little contact with Riley, basically the Tower collapse within just a few days of him getting there. I cannot remember for sure, but I think Riley goes with Humvee to the strip mall to rescue Lizzy, but I do remember Victor stays at the tower. He rides with Pegs to the airport, while Riley stays at the Tower. He stays at the airport while Riley goes o he hospital. Yet, on the way to the airport he makes a joke about Riley's sexuality ( more closely, lack of ) with Angel.
    Was the zip line cut by Angel for some reason? Sabotaged by someone else? I find it hard to believe that a fire 14 floors below is hot enough to melt he rope, but cool enough for the people.

    Here is a fun thing. Listen very closely when Burt returns to the Tower and starts talking to Michael. You will hear him shake is pill bottle and I assume take one, but it is not verbally mentioned until he gets to the air port with Saul.

    Marcus says he has hundreds or thousands of people. No where near that in Season 2 3. Was Marcus exageratting or did the mallers really inflict that many casualties?

    What does Victor really know about Sean's death?



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