So today was the last Monday release for We're Alive. And it's going to be 4 whole weeks until the Finale is live streamed. So I was thinking that there may be a way to stay connected until than.

I was planing to re-listen to the series again from start to finish by the live streaming event. I know that the series can be powered through in a week or two - plenty of people have done so to catch up - but what if we do it together.

Here's the plain. listen to season 1 by 7/7, season 2 by 7/14, season 3 by 7/21 and season 4 by 7/28, than start a conversation about that season on the boards. I volunteer to start the threads if anyone is interested.

I think this will give us a chance to go over the earlier episodes with what we know know and pick up on anything we missed. It will also give those who plain on waiting for the streaming event to get our weekly forum fix with out worrying about spoilers.

Anyone with me?

(I had no idea where to put this - if there is a better place to move it feel free)