Quote Originally Posted by Merlin1274 View Post
I seen a few post where some theorize Skittles being a slow turner.. I have my reservations. But I will make the following points..
It could very well explain why he is so mentally unstable.. If he can see the symbols. Imagine how it would screw with your head..
I have a wacky thought for you, lemme put this back on for a bit... ah, there we go.

Could be why he cracked in the first place. Could be we've been looking at the "slow turner" issue wrong all along.
They aren't slow turners, or they are bit/made as slow turners intentionally... to be zombie sleepers and seeing a certain symbol can accelerate the change for a period. Ink showed up at Dunbar and showed a flash card with the sign for "Obey" to the security camera.

Then again, CJ would surely have mentioned that during the Dunbar Info dump. Jus' spitballin' here.

Quote Originally Posted by Zombie-Bane View Post
Michael writes in the very first episode that the zombie apocalypse started 7 years ago... I don't know if that means it took that long to end or if it's still going on. Either way, he's still writing...

Saul dies too. "Saul was a good soldier."
Just my $0.02, I think what Michael is talking about in the past tense is the 'Good Soldier,' not Saul himself. Meaning that before SHTF, he was a good soldier in the unit... However, the opening narration reminded me of the strong likelihood that this entire tale is a retrospective from Michael's point of view.
To who? I'm thinking he's just rereading the journals and adding some notes right before he seals it all in a jar to bury it... for it to subsequently and inadvertently become the religious book for a future civilization.

forgot how itchy these things were.