i'm more leaning into the theory of Durai knowing SOMETHING about the zombies early, early on, and maybe even before the outbreak.

Even though they took on slaves, his conversation with Michael/Peggs at the first Tower encounter makes it seem like he truly want to work something out and he was surprised when Kalani fired shots to provoke them.

and in the aftermath of the Maller tanker convoy attack, Scratch says this about the removed arm of the Little One:
"This is exactly why we are not [referencing just hauling supplies].
They will follow us, and they will find us wherever we go. That thing on the ground is just the beginning, and Durai understands that. That's why he sent us here [to destroy the Arena]."

now this could just be the concept (that was sucessful!) of the Mallers "breaking away" from the LA Zeds, but i want to believe Durai had SOME knowledge about either Ink's involvement or the outbreak in general. Though Bill Roberts' crimes were acted out alone, there's still the possibility of a crime syndicate involvement, right?