When Michael arrived at the mortuary, Victor said "Hey Mikey, que paso". He doesn't like being called Mikey - maybe he's a bit more touchy about it than we realise?
When Michael arrived at the mortuary, Victor said "Hey Mikey, que paso". He doesn't like being called Mikey - maybe he's a bit more touchy about it than we realise?
WA Finale Convoy Communications Officer
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Michael is also calling Victor "Vic" which used to really tick him off. I think Victor decided to do what he thought was right while outside the wire and almost endangered peoples lives. Like someone else said, Michael likes that he is in control of his soldiers and they look to him as their leader.
At the end of the day I think them calling each other "Mikey" and "Vic" just shows there is no courtesy between the two.
The first rule of Zombieland: Cardio. When the zombie outbreak first hit, the first to go, for obvious reasons... were the fatties. <<---- TALKING TO YOU ROBINS!!
Just catching up on the forum posts today. was too shell shocked after last night's episode to keep on top of the posts!
... still thinking of poor Datu, out in the rain all alone, bleeding everywhere. And possibly turning...
WA Finale Convoy Communications Officer
Catch me on the twitters @tonyhind86
WA Finale Convoy twitter: @WA_Convoy
WA Finale Convoy Google+ ID: 04452049929039180220
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I'm really confused. I think I enjoyed this part. But st the same time feel abit meh about it. I feel the attack was abit rushed? Only a couple of minuetes of blood letting then a load of confused noises. And Datu crying? How did Datu survive? Did he scramble up the mill? The Mata gun? Epic fail? Cj rushing things seems abit out of place? Am I right in thinking I herd Ink? I swear it was his growl at the end? How many little ones where there? Did Glenn and red shirt turn? Or did they get munched? One thing that irritated me. Is that we don't have much time in this episode. And we have to 're listen to a snippet from last week's? I love this show. But feel like I've been slapped in the face. Spun around and pushed into a freezing cold pond. Does any one else feel the same?
A Sig what now?Eviebae, Cabbage Patch liked this post
But this is like holding a roast dinner to a homeless person!!! Ahhh not fun. And I bet he's going to change the story to Burt and Rilley
A Sig what now?
Yep, I'm expecting Burt & Riley next too. Which means it'll be January before we learn Datu's fate, unless B&R return to the colony towards the end of Chapter 41.
Eviebae liked this post
They should totally make a quick 45 second ad like they did with "Locked and Loaded"!
did anyone ever see that movie "The Good Shepherd"?
all of this audio analyzing of the last bit of 40-3 is making me think about those scenes where they are breaking down every little sound and detail on an audio recording. fun stuff, but time consuming.