I'm just going to say it, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who is going to agree with this . . .

You guys could just talk about your day, or the last movie you saw, or the last book you thought about reading, or what you're listening to or whatever. To be completely honest, I don't listen to hear about what the forums are talking about. I'm on the forums. I know what the forums are talking about. I don't listen to hear what happened on the last episode of We're Alive. Again, I listened to the last episode of We're Alive before I listened to WND. I download WND for one reason and one reason only. To listen to you two jerks talk. You could literally read the paper out loud and I would still listen. Britt could babble about whatever she wanted to and I would eat it up and call it the best god damn apple pie I ever tasted. I listen for your theories. I listen for your gripes. I listen for your banter. So do whatever. Talk about whatever. Just don't stop.