I just realized that Battle: Los Angeles might have actually ripped off some structure from We're Alive.
- We're Alive came out in 2009. Battle: Los Angeles came out in 2011.
- We're Alive is based in LA. B:LA is also based in LA (surprise).
- We're Alive deals with a devastating near-extermination of the human race via horrifyingly strong enemies. These enemies act like soldiers and strike with coordinated, military structured attacks. B:LA, the same.
- We're Alive revolves around a worn out Staff Sergeant who is pitted against a young Lieutenant fresh out of Officer's Candidate School. B:LA deals with this /exact same thing/. Even the way it was done, the things they said etc. were irritatingly similar, like B:LA was a bad knock off or something. WA played on their relationship a million times better.
Just a few things I realized.