I was going to make a Reptrivia quiz about how many rockets were fired at the tower, Burt said there was only 10 rockets but there was 12 explosions, The rocket fired at the helicopter was heard from two different perspectives so that leaves 11.

1) 1st rocket was heard over the radio, when they say "There here'
2) Over the radio: Was heard when Angel says "We're Dying here hurrry" I could only hear the explosion so it might have been a pipe bomb
3) At the tower: When Angel says,take ammo to guys in 7C
4) At the tower: Michael is talking, Tower is coming apart,... I don’t know drive out
5) At the Tower: After Michael tells Kelly to say hidden
6) At the Tower: We can’t defend that place like the tower
7) At Mallers: When Scratch yells RPG team take it down
8) At the Tower: Right before Burt asks how many were fired, He says 8
9) Rocket is fired at Saul and Victor in the hummer
10) Rocket is fired at the Diesel tanker
11) Last RPG hits the tower near the top

I didn't list the Duplicate of shot 7 as it was heard from inside the Helicopter

This is useless I just did a lot of listening to make a reptrivia question that people would argue about the correct answer, so I posted here.